3 million international visitors come to Vietnam

3 million international visitors come to Vietnam - ảnh 1
Da Nang, a destination for tourists (Photo: baodientu.chinhphu.vn)

(VOVworld) - Vietnam has welcomed 3 million international visitors so far this year, 18% more than last year. Figures from the General Statistics Office show that 1.7 million of them are tourists, the majority from Russia. Vietnam remains a favorite destination of Russian tourists, particularly beach cities in the Central Region like Da Nang, Hoi An, Nha Trang, and Binh Thuan. Numerous Russian travel agents have sent delegations to visit and study tourism products and potentials of the central region. From May to October of 2012, Da Nang city is expected to receive 54 charter flights from Russia, bringing  over 12,000 visitors to Vietnam’s Central Region.

