Another bloody day in Iraq

 Another bloody day in Iraq - ảnh 1
Death toll increases in Iraq. Photo: AFP

13 people were killed in a series of bloody conflicts in Iraq on Tuesday, one day after a bombing in a café in Balad, 80 km from Baghdad, killed 24 and wounded 66. The attack which caused the biggest number of causalities occurred at noon in Baghdad when a car bomb exploded killing 4 people and wounding 14. 2 soldiers and 2 civilians died in attacks in the northern province of Salaheddine. According to Iraqi health and security officials, 3 policemen were killed by a car bomb in Kirkuk province. In Niniveh province, opposition forces ambushed and killed a civilian and a demobilized soldier. Meanwhile, the biggest oil pipeline linking Northern Iraq with the port of Ceyhan in Turkey was bombed, shutting off the oil for 1-3 days.

