Arab League to refer Syria's file to UNSC

The Arab League on Saturday agreed in principle to raise Syria's issue to the UN Security Council if the country does not stop violence and allow Arabian observers to monitor the country’s situation according to a plan proposed earlier by the League. Speaking at a press conference in Doha after the meeting of the League's ministerial Committee on Syria, Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-ThaniSheikh Hamad said that if the crisis in Syria can not be solved within the next two weeks, the country’s situation will be out of the Arab League’s control. He added that the Arab League is considering a posibility to present its peace plan at UNSC, which will rule out the use of force against Syria. However, before refering its initiative to UNSC, Arab foreign ministers discuss the issue in details at a meeting in Cairo, Egypt, next Wednesday.

