Art performance “Easing the pain of Agent Orange” opens in Hanoi

Art performance “Easing the pain of Agent Orange” opens in Hanoi - ảnh 1
(VOVworld)-An art performance has opened in Hanoi to mark the 51st anniversary of the Agent Orange disaster in Vietnam and the Day for Agent orange/dioxin victims on August 8. The art program included meetings with victims who succeeded in overcoming difficulties, donors and humanitarian activists. Addressing the event on Friday, Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan called for joint effort to ease the sufferings of victims and stand by them in the fight for justice.“The Vietnam Association of Agent Orange/Dioxin Victims still faces a lot of challenges. It must renovate working method so that donations will reach victims rapidly and sufficiently. I share the sufferings by victims and pledge the Party and State’s support for them”, said Vice President Doan.


