Arts, Literature State Awards, Excellent, People’s Artist titles conferred


Arts, Literature State Awards, Excellent, People’s Artist titles conferred  - ảnh 1
A folk singing rehearsal at Radio the Voice of Vietnam

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang conferred Arts and Literature State Awards and the titles of Excellent and People’s Artists at a ceremony on Sunday organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. President Sang said the event follows the recent conferment of the Ho Chi Minh Awards to Vietnamese artists and writers. He added the Party, State and people are pleased with the strong development of the artist circles, who are talented and dedicated to the revolutionary cause of the nation. President Sang expressed his belief that the art practitioners, especially young people will uphold the traditional values and achievements of the revolutionary arts to contribute more to national construction and defence, living up to the aspirations of the Party and the people. Le Hai Anh, Head of the Department of Emulation and Rewards said the awards acknowledge artist circles’ great contributions and motivate them to continue their dedication to building a Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity.

128 individual and collective works are presented with Arts and Literature State Awards. 356 people are conferred with the titles Excellent Artists.

