Ban Flower festival opens in Dien Bien city

(VOVworld) - The Ban (Bauhimia) flower festival began on Sunday in Dien Bien city with a special art performance. A ceremony to announce a master plan to develop Dien Bien Phu-Pa Khoang national tourism complex also took place.
Ban Flower festival opens in Dien Bien city - ảnh 1

A dancing performance at the festival's opening ceremony (Photo: VNA)

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc stressed the significance of the plan to develop the complex into a National Tourism Centre of the northwestern region: “We call on all relevant authorities and government establishments, as well as the private sector, to help tap the complex’s tourism potential. It is essential to promote the historical values of the complex. There is a need to build a tourism trade mark and further educate patriotism and national pride”.

