Bill on Employment underscores policies on employment support

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Thursday gave opinions on the draft Laws on Employment, Natural Disasters Prevention and Mitigation, and the revised Law on Science and Technology.

Bill on Employment underscores policies on employment support  - ảnh 1
NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung presides Thursday discussion (Photo: VNA)

Regarding the Bill on Employment, most deputies agreed on regulations for providing credit loans for job generation and supporting the sending of laborers to work overseas. They said that as the policy on unemployment insurance had been conducted for the last three years, the government needed to conduct a review to overcome shortcomings in the implementation process to better facilitate conditions for laborers to purchase it. Deputies said that unemployment policy should become part of the Law on Employment. According to the draft law on employment, the state will take responsibility for paying maximum of 1% of the month salary fund to buy unemployment insurance. Phung Quoc Hien, Director of the National Assembly’s Committee for Budget and Finance, commented ‘I think it’s necessary to have a fund for unemployment insurance but the regulations are too broad. I doubt that the 1% threshold of salary contribution is sufficient and suggest possible allocation of additional funding from the state budget.

In regards to the revised law on science and technology, the deputies discussed a financial mechanism. The Ministry of Science and Technology is required by the law to estimate investment capital for science and technology development, to avoid disagreements over expenditure management.

