Bronze casting of Maitreya Buddha at Ho Son pagoda

(VOVWORLD) -A ceremony to bless the casting of a bronze statue of Maitreya Buddha was recently held at Ho Son pagoda-Princess Huyen Tran temple in Nam Dinh province.
Bronze casting of Maitreya Buddha at Ho Son pagoda - ảnh 1A ritual prior to casting the Maitreya Buddha statue (Photo credit: Organizing Board)

Built more than 700 years ago, Ho Son pagoda was the place Princess Huyen Tran, a daughter of King Tran Nhan Tong, built to honor Buddha. When she died in 1340, Ho Son villagers honored her as the Holy Mother and built a temple at the place where she practiced.

Bronze casting of Maitreya Buddha at Ho Son pagoda - ảnh 2Monk pray before the statue's copper pouring

Early last year, construction of a new Ho Son pagoda began on the site of the old pagoda. The new pagoda was sponsored by the BB Group.

The main work on the new pagoda has been essentially completed. The renovation will be completed by the end of this year.

