China stages live ammunition drill near Myanmar

China stages live ammunition drill near Myanmar - ảnh 1
The border between China and Myanmar in Yunnan province Photo: AFP

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) began live-ammunition joint drills involving ground and air forces in Yunnan Province bordering Myanmar. The exercise aims to test military manoeuvres, reconnaissance, strike power, mobilization and militia reserve support, said Tang Jibing, senior colonel with the PLA Chengdu Military Area Command. "Holding drills is an effective way to enhance joint operations capabilities and it is necessary for safeguarding frontier and air defenses and protecting people's lives and property," Tang said. The exercise will be conducted in accordance with training plans, with exercise areas and attack targets randomly selected, he added. No aircraft will be allowed to enter the airspace of the drills without permission, and vehicles entering the drill areas in the province will be subject to traffic controls. Locals will not be allowed to enter the drill areas without a permit. The PLA said Chinese authorities have informed Myanmar of the drill, and that an end date will be announced later.

