Deputy Prime Minister visits Kon Tum province

(VOV) – Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has worked with Kon Tum province on its socio-economic development and assuring local political security and social order.

Deputy Prime Minister visits Kon Tum province - ảnh 1

Mr. Phuc spoke highly of the province’s efforts and pointed out difficulties and challenges facing the province including a limited investment environment and small economic scale agriculture. Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said: "We should be more determined, united and have specific activities to implement the Party and province’s resolutions. We should work harder to implement the Party Central committee’s tasks, renovate our working style, be closer and listen to the people’s aspiration so that we can better serve them. The province needs to have practical programs to develop Kon Tum".

The Deputy Prime Minister said that Kon Tum needs to exploit its potentials in land, plants, animals and certain key products. It is necessary to focus on urban development planning and disadvantaged areas of ethnic minority people. Mr. Phuc also urged the province to collect people’s ideas for revisions to the 1992 Constitution, encourage local people to resist hostile schemes and enhance the spirit of the public security force in the fight against crime.

