Diplomatic conference discuss opportunities and challenges facing Vietnam

Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh says the 27th diplomatic conference provides a forum to share experiences and work out future plans. Addressing the closing ceremony of the week-long conference on Monday in Hanoi, Minister Minh said participants discussed in-depth the world situation as well as opportunities and challenges facing Vietnam: “The conference thoroughly studied the foreign relation policies set out at the 11th National Party Congress, amendments and supplements to the 1991 Platform and the strategy for national socio-economic development from 2011 to 2020. Under the spirit of practicality and effectiveness, our ministry for the first time organized a meeting of local offices for foreign affairs in addition to the diplomatic conference. This will help provinces and cities learn more about the requirements for foreign affairs, connecting central diplomacy with local diplomacy”.

The conference approved “Plan of action to implement results of the 27th diplomatic conference”, focusing on political, economic and cultural diplomacy and overseas Vietnamese affairs.

