Egypt’s political deadlock eased

The Salafist Nour Party, the second largest Islamist party in Egypt and the only Islamist group supporting the deposition of President Mohamed Morsi, has decided to participate in amending Egypt’s constitution. The decision helps to defuse the ongoing political deadlock and continue the transitional roadmap that includes amending Egypt's constitution temporarily suspended in 2012 and holding parliamentary and presidential elections. The party said its decision to join the 50-member committee aims to protect the Islamic identity. Previously, the Salafist Nour party said it would abandon the roadmap because certain principles of Islamic Sharia Law were not included.

Egypt’s political deadlock eased - ảnh 1
A protest in Egypt (Photo: Reuters)

Ahmed El-Meslemani, media adviser to the interim President, said Egypt has overcome a "conspiracy" to overthrow the state, referring to protests by the Muslim Brotherhood and its Islamist allies.

Egypt’s state television said a Cairo court has delayed until September 14 the trial of former President Hosni Mubarak for inciting violence and killing protesters. The decision was reached by the judges just hours after the trial reopened.  

