Exchange program for families to eschew social evils

Exchange program for families to eschew social evils - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - Outstanding individuals and organizations carrying out the Resolution on management and education of the children in their families to eschew crime and social evil were celebrated on Tuesday in Hanoi. The exchange, titled joining hands for a peaceful society, was co-hosted by the Ministry of Public Security and the Vietnam Women’s Union. Lieutenant General Pham Quy Ngo, Deputy Minister of Public Security said at the ceremony:The entire society, administrations at all levels, organizations and individuals of all social strata should involve themselves in the management and education of the children in their families to eschew crime and social evil. The police force and women’s associations need to work with families and schools to form a collective power in preventing children from committing crimes”.
At the exchange, attendees shared experiences and difficulties in involving families to manage and educate their children.

