French president announces troops withdrawal from Afghanistan

The visiting French president Francois Hollande announced in the Afghan capital Kabul on Friday that French combat force would be home within months. 

French president announces troops withdrawal from Afghanistan  - ảnh 1
French President François Hollande gives a speech Friday during a visit to a military base in Kapisa, in Afghanistan.(Photo: Internet)

He said that around 2,000 French combat troops would be home by the end of this year and there will no be French combat troops in Afghanistan in 2013. However, he pointed out that France after 2012 would continue to support Afghanistan in civilian fields including health, education, culture, agriculture and also assisting defense and interior ministries in providing training. More than 3,800 French troops have been stationed in Afghanistan within the framework of NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to help stabilize the conflict- ridden country.


