“I love my country” journey starts at Hung Kings temple

(VOVWORLD) - More than 1,000 young Vietnamese people attended the inauguration of an journey themed “I love my country” at Hung Kings temple relic site on Sunday. 

“I love my country” journey starts at Hung Kings temple - ảnh 1 “I love my country” journey starts at Hung Kings temple on October 6, 2019 (Photo: helino)

The event was hosted by the Vietnam Youth Federation to mark its 63th anniversary and welcome the 8th National Congress of the Federation. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Le Quoc Phong said youth forums, art performances, and tours to cultural and historical relic sites will be held in all cities and provinces across Vietnam. The closing ceremony is set to take place in Hanoi on December 10.

