IAEA, Iran to hold nuclear talks on Friday

The U.N. atomic watchdog and Iran begin a new round of talks this week to try  and reach an agreement to resume the delayed investigation into suspected nuclear weapons research in the Islamic Republic.

IAEA, Iran to hold nuclear talks on Friday - ảnh 1
IAEA Chief Yukiya Amano Source: internet

IAEA chief Yukiya Amano said on Monday in Vienna that he expected a draft cooperation deal to be signed soon. Iranian officials have made it clear that only once such an accord has been finalized, they’d grant U.N. inspectors access to the Parchin military site, where the IAEA suspects Iran may be developing nuclear weapons. Western diplomats have voiced doubts that Iran will enter into any such agreement with the Vienna-based U.N. agency, which says Tehran has stonewalled its investigation for almost four years.

