Jim Webb: China raises tension in East Sea

US Senator Jim Webb, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee, said on Thursday that China’s recent actions to unilaterally assert control of disputed territories in the East Sea may be a violation of international law. Speaking on the Senate floor, Webb asked the US State Department to clarify the situation.

Jim Webb: China raises tension in East Sea - ảnh 1
Jim Webb: China raises tension in East Sea (Photo: Internet)

Webb said China has become more aggressive in the East Sea, approving the establishment of the so-called “Sansha City”. The city China is creating will administer more than 200 islets, sand banks, and reefs spread over two million square kilometers of water. The city’s head office will be established in the Paracel Islands, which are claimed by Vietnam and within the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. Webb said China has refused to resolve these issues in a multilateral forum because it can dominate any nation in the region in bilateral negotiations. Webb said this is a violation of international law, contrary to China’s statements about its willingness to work with ASEAN to build the Code of Conduct (COC).

Senator Webb drafted a resolution, which was approved by the Senate last June, condemning the use of force by China in the East Sea and calling for a peaceful, multilateral resolution of the dispute.


