Meeting of former death squad soldiers from Hanoi

Meeting of former death squad soldiers from Hanoi - ảnh 1
Statue of Death Squad Soldiers for Hanoi in Van Xuan Garden in Hanoi
(VOVworld) – A get-together was held in Hanoi on Wednesday amongst former death squad soldiers who heroically fought for Hanoi 66 years ago. The 44 former soldiers, who are now all over 80, reviewed their historic but magnanimous bygone days. Many of them had joined the 1945 general uprising to retake the government before joining the suicide squad. 83 year-old Nguyen Huy Du, who fought in the 60-day struggle to protect the city, said ‘I was at secondary school when the general uprising in Hanoi in August 1945 took place. I followed the fighters and civilians in Hanoi to occupy the headquarters of the northern French Command. It was a very terrifying yet exciting time’.

