National Assembly announces confidence vote results

(VOVworld) - 47 officials have passed legislative votes of confidence following the results announced on Tuesday. A total of 492 National Assembly deputies cast their ballots on Monday, expressing their feeling of confidence in the 47 officials. The President, National Assembly Chairman and the Prime Minister received the high confidence rates of 66.27%, 65.86% and 42.17% respectively. The resolution on the National Assembly’s vote of confidence was approved by nearly 95% of deputies. National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said that the National Assembly has completed a major task for the country: “Officials subject to the vote of confidence are holding major positions. The rate of high confidence in each position is a source of encouragement and acknowledges their performance. The low confidence votes require some officials to improve their work performance in the future”. Ngo Van Minh, a deputy from Quang Nam province said: “I am not surprised by these results. Officials in charge of those industries which have a great impact on the public will see a high rate of voting. The turn-out truly reflects reality and is a major initial achievement. I hope that through this vote of confidence, those with low confidence votes will adjust and improve. The main purpose for going forward with these confidence votes was to help ministries to work more effectively, meeting people’s demands and expectations.”

National Assembly announces confidence vote results  - ảnh 1
Results of the vote. Source:

The vote of confidence has been hailed by voters nationwide. Tran Van Hung from Hanoi said: “This has been an unprecedented vote of confidence by the National Assembly. It helps the people to understand more about the levels of confidence regarding our highest elected officials. I hope that the vote will help these officials become aware of their advantages and shortcomings.” Trang Thi Xuan from Ho Chi Minh city said: “I hope that these confidence votes will be carried out regularly to improve our leadership. I also hope that those subject to the vote will continue to work hard for the nation.” Tran Cong Su is an official from Dac Nong province’s Fatherland Front: “This should be considered a reform successfully carried out by the objective and democratic outcome of the vote of confidence. I hope that the vote will prove to be more effective, helping to consolidate the state apparatus.”    

