Ngoc Hoi-Dong Da Victory marked in HCM city

(VOVworld)-Thousands of local people and visitors attended a festival to mark the 224th anniversary of the Ngoc Hoi-Dong Da Victory in Tao Dan Park, HCM city on February 14. The festival opened with an incense and offering ceremony in memory of King Quang Trung-Nguyen Hue and the Tay Son soldiers.

Ngoc Hoi-Dong Da Victory marked in HCM city - ảnh 1
Ngoc Hoi-Dong Da Victory marked in HCM city

A series of cultural, artistic and sporting activities, and martial art performances took place during the day, the fifth day of the first lunar month. In the early spring of 1789, Nguyen Hue, who was later proclaimed Emperor Quang Trung, led his guerrillas from Hue imperial palace to Hanoi, which was then occupied by the Chinese Qing army. He launched a surprise attack and defeated more than 20,000 Qing soldiers during a battle on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. Mr Ho Hung, resident in District 2, HCM city said: “The event marking the Ngoc Hoi-Dong Da Victory this year is very meaningful and interesting. I think more event like this should be organized in order for the younger generations to learn about our country’s glorious victory and raise the patriotism among people as well as unite people for national construction and defense, especially protecting the sovereignty of Truong Sa and Hoang Sa islands.”

