NSA Reveals Surveillance Statistics in Its First Transparency Report

NSA Reveals Surveillance Statistics in Its First Transparency Report  - ảnh 1
(VOVworld)- The US National Security Agency released its first "transparency report" Friday, as part of an effort to quell the firestorm over reports of its massive data collection efforts. The NSA report said that in 2013, it obtained fewer than 2,000 orders from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. That included 1,767 orders based on "probable cause" for an investigation, and 131 orders allowing the agency to collect incoming and outgoing phone numbers using a so-called "pen register" or "trap and trace." The agency said it obtained just one order using Section 702 of the FISA intelligence law, which facilitates gathering foreign intelligence data on non-American people, groups or organizations outside the United States. But the number of "targets," which could be persons or organizations, was more than 89,100 last year. The NSA said it made 178 applications under the law's bulk collection or "business records" provision, that enabled the NSA to make a total of more than 420 specific queries last year to gather more data. The report said more than 19,000 "national security letters" - administrative subpoenas that allow the FBI to collect information without a warrant - were issued last year, containing more than 38,000 requests for information. NSA pledged to declassify and make public as much information as possible about certain sensitive US government surveillance programs while protecting sensitive classified intelligence and national security information.

