Party leader’s greeting on Vietnamese Physicians’ Day

 (VOVworld) – Dinh The Huynh, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, and Head of the PCC’s Commission for Communication and Education, visited several hospitals in Hanoi to congratulate the doctors on Vietnamese Physicians’ Day.

Party leader’s greeting on Vietnamese Physicians’ Day - ảnh 1
Mr. Dinh The Huynh presents flowers to doctors at the Vietnam - Germany hospital 
(Photo: CPV)

Huynh spoke at the Vietnam – Germany Hospital. "I hope you will continue to promote the hospital’s achievements and traditions in this difficult time. I expect you doctors to strive to enrich your profession and consolidate your medical etiquette in treating people."

Party leader’s greeting on Vietnamese Physicians’ Day - ảnh 2
Mr. Dinh The Huynh visits the patients at the National Hospital of Traditional Medicine (Photo: CPV)

Visiting the National Hospital of Traditional Medicine, the Party leader said the hospital should continue to uphold and promote traditional remedies while studying new remedies in combination with modern medicine.

