PM Dung received by Laotian Party General Secretary and Cambodian PM

(VOVworld)-The Party, State and people of Vietnam stand side by side with their Lao counterparts to foster the close ties between the two nations.

PM Dung received by Laotian Party General Secretary and Cambodian PM - ảnh 1
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung (right) and President Sayasone Laos. (Photo:

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung made the statement at a reception given by Choummaly Sayasone, General Secretary of the Laos People’s Revolutionary Party and State President of Laos. He was in Vientiane to chair the annual development triangle summit namely the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Summit (CLV7) and participate at the 6th Cambodia-Laos-Myanmar-Vietnam Summit (CLMV 6), the 5th Ayeyawadi-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy Summit (ACMECS 5)  and related meetings with regional leaders. The Prime Minister said that the Vietnamese ministries, agencies and localities will work closely with their Lao counterparts to realise high-level agreements to make breakthroughs in bilateral relations, especially in economic, trade and investment cooperation. Choummaly Sayasone praised the Prime Minister’s participation at the summit and related meetings and considered it as a source of encouragement for Laos to hold the events successfully.

The same day, PM Dung met with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen. Both government leaders praised the two countries’ efforts in organising the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Year and celebrating 45 years of their diplomatic ties last year to raise public awareness, especially the youth, on  bilateral cooperation, friendship and unity. They discussed measures to bring the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation to a new level. Dung invited Hun Sen and his wife to visit Vietnam at an appropriate time this year. 


