Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet and Vietnamese revolution

Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet and Vietnamese revolution - ảnh 1
Late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet

(VOVworld)- A seminar on late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet and the Vietnamese revolution was held in Ho Chi Minh on Saturday to mark the Prime Minister’s 90th birthday. After 70 years participating in the revolution, the late Prime Minister, who was a staunch communist and a talented leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party and revolution, made great contribution to the national liberation struggle and the national renovation, helping the country get out of the crisis, stabilize and integrate into the world. Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet’s life and revolutionary career were lively reflected in the development of three regions across the country. “Late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet was an outstanding representative of Vietnamese revolutionists, who devoted their whole lives to the Party and national independence. He was loyal to the nation, and faithful, open and sincere to the people. He represented the fine characteristics of a communist and outstanding leader”, said Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh is Secretary of the Party Committee of Vinh Long province, which is Mr. Kiet’s hometown.

