Quang Ngai prepares for ceremony to honor Hoang Sa Flotilla

Quang Ngai prepares for ceremony to honor Hoang Sa Flotilla  - ảnh 1
Ceremony to honor Hoang Sa Flotilla- Photo: truongsahoangsa.info

(VOVworld)- The 2013 Quang Ngai Sea and Island Cultural Week with its highlight of a ceremony honoring the Hoang Sa Flotilla is being held in Ly Son island district from April 25 to 29. This is the first time Quang Ngai province has organized this major cultural event to promote the image of the local land and people. The ceremony aims to promote patriotism and people’s awareness of the importance of defending national sovereignty in the East Sea. Nguyen Dang Vu, Director of Quang Ngai Province’s Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, says: “Traditionally, the ceremony honoring the Hoang Sa Flotilla is held by 13 outstanding clans and other families on Ly Son island. The ceremony will include a requiem held on April 27, a release of lanterns, a procession, and the official ceremony will be held on April 28.  Lion dances, singing and sword dancing performances and boat races will take place after the ceremony. A gratitude ceremony will also be held. This year, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Cultural Heritage Council has recognized the communal house of An Vinh village as a national cultural-historical site and the ceremony honoring Hoang Sa Flotilla as a national intangible cultural heritage. There will be a ceremony to receive these honors”.

Ly Son island district expects to receive 2,000 tourists this year.

