Rational strategy needed in response to ageing population

(VOVWORLD) - Authorities must adopt policies that allow the elderly to take part in socio-economic activities.

Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs Le Tan Dung made the statement at a talk called “Responding to the Ageing Population in Vietnam: The Way Forward” in Hanoi on Monday, on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons (October 1).

"We’ll propose to the government plans to enhance social care services for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups such as orphans, the disabled, the elderly and the poor. These activities will involve the state and social organizations," said Dung.

Delegates said it’s essential to integrate elderly-related issues into policies and national sustainable development goals. They suggested that the government issue comprehensive strategic orientations for an ageing population and create an action plan for an ageing population for the 2021-2030 period that will ensure healthy, happy lives for the elderly.

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