Russia slams West’s “double standard” in Syria issue

Western countries which are members of the UN Security Council continue to apply a double standard during discussions of Syria’s problems, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said of a Security Council draft on Homs city, Syria, adding that it is not the first time the West has demonstrated bias in its evaluation of the Syrian situation. They have several times avoided criticism of Syria’s terrorist attacks and attempted to whitewash the opposition's actions. The Ministry said Russia calls on all parties to seek a political-diplomatic solution to the Syrian crisis, through the international conference to speed up dialogues among factions proposed by Russia and the US in early May.

Russia slams West’s “double standard” in Syria issue - ảnh 1
A doctor at displays a bullet removed from the hand of a young girl wounded during protest in Homs city. (Photo: Reuters)

A Syrian official says the army recaptured Khaldiyeh district in Homs on Monday on the 10th day of a ruthless campaign against opposition forces. This has been the fiercest attack launched by the Syrian army since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad broke out in March, 2011. 

