Russian World Foundation to promote Russian culture and language

(VOVworld) – Activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Russian World Foundation (Russkiy Mir Foundation) are being held in Moscow attended by 900 representatives from 100 countries.

Russian World Foundation to promote Russian culture and language  - ảnh 1
A ceremony was held on Thursday in the Russian government building to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Russian World Foundation. (Photo: VOV/Diep Anh)

At a ceremony on Thursday in the Russian government building, Chairwoman of the Russian World Foundation Ludmila Verbitskaya reviewed some of the most significant activities of the foundation since its establishment in 2007. She said that over the years the foundation has expanded and more countries have joined its annual general assembly. 

This year’s general assembly marks the 10th anniversary of the Russian World Foundation and kicks off a series of international activities and projects such as “The memories of the heart”, “First time in the universe”, and “The cultural year of the Russian World”, as well as upcoming workshops themed “The Russian World in the global scene of civilizations” and “Russian: a language of diversity and solidarity.”

The Russian World Foundation was founded in 2007 by Russian President Vladimir Putin to promote the Russian language and culture to the world.

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