Seminar on Vietnam investment promotion held in Berlin

(VOVworld) – Vietnam and Germany share common benefits in several fields, which will pave the way for new breakthroughs in bilateral relations, said Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh at a seminar in Berlin, Germany to promote Vietnam’s investment environment. The seminar was part of Asia-Pacific Week, an event attracting a great number of high-profile government officials and enterprise representatives from Germany and Asian-Pacific countries.

Seminar on Vietnam investment promotion held in Berlin  - ảnh 1
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh addresses a seminar promoting Vietnam’s investment environment in Berlin, Germany.

Deputy Minister Tuan Anh said opening its markets brings both opportunities and challenges to Vietnam’s international integration and improving competitiveness. Tuan Anh said Vietnam will continue fine-tuning its administrative regulations and legal frameworks, which will create opportunities for German enterprises, especially in vocational training, technology transfer, and human resources development.

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