The 5th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee wraps up

(VOVworld)-The 5th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee concluded on Tuesday after 9 working days.  Addressing the closing ceremony, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong reviewed the results of the conference.

The 5th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee wraps up - ảnh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (Photo: Internet)

He emphasized on the special importance of amendments to the 1992 Constitution, saying that these should be considered comprehensively. Amendment proposals should be based on the revision of the implementation of the 1992 Constitution and other related laws under the Party leadership. The amendments should reflect opinions contributed by experts, scientists, managers, and people, laying a scientific foundation for the National Assembly to consider and approve. Regarding the amendments to the Law on Land, the Party leader said that land is owned by the whole people with the State as owner representative performing unified management. Therefore, it is an urgent task to study revision of and amendments to the Law on Land to repair the shortcomings of the current law to ensure land use efficiency, environmental protection, national food security, socio-political stability and sustainable development.General Secretary Trong called for consistent effort to promote anti-corruption, while strengthening the role by Party cells, the administration while boosting supervision by the National Assembly, People’s Council, Fatherland Front and the public. The Party Central Committee approved the establishment of a Central Steering Committee on preventing and combating corruption under the Politburo and re-establishment of an Internal Affairs Commission, which acts as a permanent agency of the steering committeeThe Party leader reaffirmed the Party Central Committee’s requirements for the improvement of physical and mental living condition for people who rendered great service to the revolution and the maintenance of social welfare.The Party leader emphasized on all people social welfare coverage and minimum level of income, educational and healthcare services by 2020.

