‘To be myself’ fights for homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgender people

‘To be myself’ fights for homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgender people  - ảnh 1
Artists rehearsing for the drama "Duoc La Chinh Minh” (To Be Myself) featuring lives of lesbians and gays who struggle to rise above the social and familial stigma attached to them to be who they are. (Photo: Tuoi Tre)

(VOVworld) -   A contemporary drama about homosexuality opened  at the Tuoi Tre/Youth Theater in Hanoi yesterday. Titled ‘Duoc la chinh minh’ - To be myself – and produced by Hanoi’s non-profit Institute of Social , Economic and Environmental Study, the play combines body installation art, contemporary dance and theater. It presents a mosaic of the rich and colorful lives of lesbians and gays who struggle to rise above social and familial stigmas and be who they are. It delivers a strong message in response to the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on May 17th. Truong Nhuan is the Youth Theater’s Deputy Director ‘Through the drama, we want to emphasize with homosexuals and tell the community to raise their awareness of discrimination against homosexuals. The play with its humanitarian message will surely awaken the audience’s responsibility and awareness to be more sympathetic to and have more confidence in these people’.

After its premiere at Hanoi’s Youth Theater, the play will be performed free at universities and colleges around the capital later this month before going on the road to Ho Chi Minh City in September.


