Tribute paid to Vietnam’s former Defense Ministers

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, General Phung Quang Thanh paid tribute to former Vietnamese Defense Ministers on the 40th anniversary of the Southern Liberation and National Reunification.

Defense Minister Thanh offered incense and laid a floral wreath to General Vo Nguyen Giap, who was a brilliant Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnam People's Army, and General Van Tien Dung, who commanded the 1975 Spring General Offensive and Uprising. At their homes, General Thanh praised the enormous contributions of the two generals to Vietnam’s revolution and the army’s development.

Tribute paid to Vietnam’s former Defense Ministers  - ảnh 1
General Phung Quang Thanh visits former Defense Minister General Le Duc Anh.

During his visit to General Le Duc Anh, who is also a former State President, and General Pham Van Tra, General Thanh briefed them on the army’s recent achievements in national construction and defense and its future development plans.

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