UN General Assembly weighs global issues

UN General Assembly weighs global issues - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- The UN General Assembly opened a new session in New York this morning (local time). During the week long session, UN members will discuss major global issues including the economic recession , sustainable development, climate change, terrorism, and disarmament,  and conflict. Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon, in his opening address, acknowledged global progress in halving poverty since 2000, democratic gains in the Arab world , and economic development in Africa, Asia and Latin-America. Ban expressed his concerns about ignorance on climate change, political instability, and the arms race in many countries.“I see governments wasting vast and precious funds on deadly weapons while reducing their investment in people. The severe and growing impacts of climate change are there  before our eyes yet too many people in power seem willfully blind to the threat", said the UN Chief.

In regard to the ongoing violence in Syria, Ban called on the international community - especially the members of the Security Council and countries in the region - to solidly concretely support the efforts  of the UN-Arab League and Special Mission. He added that the two-state solution is the only sustainable option for Palestine and Israel and any military  conflict would be devastating. He urged those countries to comply with the Charter of the United Nations and international law.

Addressing the UN General Assembly meeting, U.S. President Barack Obama clarified his country’s foreign policy with regard to Muslim protests against the US, Iran's nuclear program, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Syrian situation, and the war against terrorism.


