UN Security Council agrees on Syrian resolution

(VOVworld) – The 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday agreed on the core of a draft resolution dealing with Syria. The draft allows possible sanctions against Syria under Chapter VII of the UN Charter if Bashar al-Assad’s regime fails to honor a Russia-US disarmament plan.

The draft resolution will be submitted to the Council on Friday, when the 5 permanent members will meet again to discuss a proposed Syria peace conference in Geneva.

A UN inspection team has arrived in Syria to gather evidence of chemical weapon use. They are scheduled to visit 14 alleged sites of chemical weapon attacks in Damascus suburbs in the hope of completing their final report by the end of October.

UN Security Council agrees on Syrian resolution  - ảnh 1
UN inspectors return to Syria to collect evidence of chemical weapon use. (Photo: Reuters)

On the sidelines of the ongoing 68th session of the UN General Assembly, several countries have promised more humanitarian aid to Syria.

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