US approves resolution on protecting Mekong River Basin

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has approved a resolution by Senator Jim Webb calling on parties involved to protect of the Mekong River Basin and halt dam construction along the river. The resolution calls on U.S. representatives at development banks to support strict adherence to international environmental standards for any financial assistance to hydropower dam projects on the mainstream of the Mekong River. It also urges the Lower Mekong Initiative to invest more in infrastructure projects and to seek alternatives to hydropower dams. The resolution also encourages members of the Mekong River Commission to adhere to the prior consultation process for dam construction. The Mekong River Commission consists of 4 member states: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. China and Myanmar are the Commission’s partners. Senator Jim Webb calls on countries, through which the Mekong River flows, to respect the interests of people living along the river and “take into account proper environmental standards when considering construction projects”.

