US open to negotiations with North Korea

US open to negotiations with North Korea - ảnh 1
Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida (Right) and US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Photo: The Japan Times

The US is ready to talk to North Korea, said Secretary of State John Kerry, who is visiting Japan. He emphasized that Pyongyang has to take "meaningful steps" to honor its international commitments. In a press conference after talks with his Japanese counterpart, Fumio Kishida, John Kerry said there are many solutions to the conflict on the Korean Peninsula but the US prefers to negotiate with North Korea. However, US authorities have said the US will absolutely honor its commitment to ensure Japanese security by taking all necessary measures. Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said the US and Japan agree that Pyongyang needs to halt actions that are worsening the situation and begin denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Japan urged North Korea to respect agreements reached during the six-party talks and comply with the resolutions of the UN Security Council.


