US to establish evaluation team on Snowden case

US to establish evaluation team on Snowden case  - ảnh 1
US President Barack Obama on Monday ordered the formation of an evaluation team on espionage and media technology in an effort to resolve issues related to revelation of the former CIA contractor Edward and his espionage program of the US National Security Agency (NSA). Photo:

US President Barack Obama on Monday ordered the formation of an evaluation team on espionage and media technology in an effort to resolve issues related to revelation of the former CIA contractor Edward and his espionage program of the US National Security Agency (NSA). The assessment team will evaluate espionage operations in the new environment of advanced technology. The team will summarize its findings in 2 months and produce an official report and recommendations not later than December. The report must be approved by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and submitted to the President, who has said that the Obama affirmed that US, like other countries, conducts intelligence in its national interests, including protecting the country and its citizens, partners and allies from security threats.

