Vietnam, Malaysia issue joint statement

(VOVworld) – Vietnam and Malaysia issued a joint statement on Friday on the occasion of the Malaysian Prime Minister’s official visit to Vietnam. Regarding the Vietnam- Malaysia relationship, the joint statement said that both countries would continue the exchanges of visits at all levels, boost cooperation in various fields and increase people-to-people exchanges. The two countries will soon organize the 5th meeting of the Vietnam-Malaysia Joint Committee to enhance bilateral cooperation in economics, sciences, and technologies. Vietnam and Malaysia agreed to further enhance cooperation on security and defense and to speed up the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on the prevention of trans-national crimes. They affirmed continuous favorable conditions for investors of both countries.

Vietnam, Malaysia issue joint statement - ảnh 1
Malaysian Prime Minister Dato is on an official visit to Vietnam Photo: internet

Regarding regional and international issues, Vietnam and Malaysia agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation at regional and international forums, especially at ASEAN and UN forums, while cooperating with other ASEAN members to successfully build an ASEAN community by 2015. Vietnam and Malaysia reiterated the importance of unity within ASEAN and the bloc’s central role in maintaining peace, stability, security, and nautical and aviation freedom in the East Sea. They called on related parties to settle disputes by peaceful means in accordance with widely recognized international principles, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and to avoid the use of arms, and restrain their actions.

Regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the Prime Ministers agreed on continued cooperation and mutual support, boosting the completion of the negotiation while ensuring reasonable changes and appropriate technical assistance to enhance the capacity of developing countries. They pledged to lift bilateral ties to strategic partnership level.

