Vietnam to discuss OEDC development strategy

Vietnam to discuss OEDC development strategy - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - Vietnam is one of the countries which have obtained many socio-economic achievements and made considerable changes in various areas, said the Director of OECD Development Centre (DEV) Mario Pezzirri. Pezzirri made the assessment on the occasion of the Vietnamese delegation’s upcoming attendance of the high-level meeting to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of DEV, which coordinates activities of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and developing countries. Vietnam has been one of the 17 DEV member countries since 2008. Vietnamese Ambassador to France Duong Chi Dung, who heads up the Vietnamese delegation, will deliver a speech at the high-level meeting’s discussion on the OECD’s new development strategy on Thursday. With opinions collected from members of OECD and DEV, the draft on the strategy will be finalised prior to submission to the OECD Ministerial Meeting for approval next May.


