National ICT workshop opens in HCM City

National ICT workshop opens in HCM City

(VOVworld) - More than 300 experts and scientists gathered on Thursday in Ho Chi Minh City to discuss ways to promote information and communication technology (ICT)
Changes in poverty reduction policy

Changes in poverty reduction policy

(VOVworld)- The Prime Minister has approved a master plan to move from single-dimensional poverty measurement to a multidimensional approach. The plan, which will be implemented in the next five years...
ASEAN+1 youth camp opens in Nha Trang

ASEAN+1 youth camp opens in Nha Trang

(VOVworld) – More than 300 students of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and France are taking part at the ASEAN+1 camp that opened in Nha Trang City on Saturday
Greece Approves First Austerity Bill

Greece Approves First Austerity Bill

(VOVworld)- Greece’s lawmakers approved Friday the first bill containing tough austerity measures and economic overhauls agreed under its new bailout program
Vietnam reduces poverty sustainably

Vietnam reduces poverty sustainably

(VOVworld) – October 17 is observed as the Day for the Poor in Vietnam. Much is being done to improve their living conditions and justify their trust in the government’s...
‘A better Hanoi’ for the poor

‘A better Hanoi’ for the poor

(VOVworld) – Every Wednesday and Saturday, members of ‘A better Hanoi’ project gather at a number of restaurants in the city to collect the food not used in local restaurants and hotels, package them,...
Russia airstrikes kill two IS commanders

Russia airstrikes kill two IS commanders

(VOVworld) - Russian air forces carried out 67 sorties, striking 60 separate targets in northern Syria in the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry reported
Libya detains 300 African migrants

Libya detains 300 African migrants

(VOVworld) – The Libyan authorities with the Islamist-backed government controlling the capital, Tripoli, says they have detained 300 African migrants captured while boarding boats headed to Europe
‘A better Hanoi’ for the poor

‘A better Hanoi’ for the poor

(VOVworld) – Every Wednesday and Saturday, members of ‘A better Hanoi’ project gather at a number of restaurants in the city to collect the food not used in local restaurants and hotels, package them,...
TPP to become a model for 21st century trade

TPP to become a model for 21st century trade

(VOVworld) – Trade Ministers of 12 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members reached a final consensus on the world’s largest free trade agreement at a meeting that concluded in Atlanta on October 5....
Vietnamese Goods Identity Week closes

Vietnamese Goods Identity Week closes

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese Goods Identity Week closed on Monday in Hanoi. President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan hailed the week’s effectiveness in promoting goods produced by...