Thriive project benefits community

Thriive project benefits community

(VOVworld) – Thriive, a US-based non-profit charity organization, was established to reduce poverty toward sustainable growth in developing countries
Wedding custom of the Nung

Wedding custom of the Nung

(VOVworld) - In the past a Nung marriage was arranged by the parents. Over the years, some of their backward customs have evolved and now Nung adolescents are allowed to date...
Wine - the pride of the French

Wine - the pride of the French

(VOVworld) - France produces 7 to 8 billion bottles of wine per year, which amounts to 20% of the world’s production. Wine is part of French culture, where buying...
Wednesday July 12, 2016

Wednesday July 12, 2016

(VOVworld) - Northern Vietnam is in the middle of its summer, which is also the rainy season. Here in Hanoi, we are experiencing intervals of extremely hot days and torrential rains
The Nung close-knit community

The Nung close-knit community

(VOVworld) – Nung society has developed close connections in residence, lifestyle, economics, and culture. The Nung live harmoniously and united in a close-knit community
Hostage-takers were from Bangladesh group, not IS

Hostage-takers were from Bangladesh group, not IS

(VOVworld) - The jihadists who slaughtered 20 hostages at a Dhaka restaurant were members of a homegrown Bangladeshi militant outfit and not followers of the Islamic State group, a senior minister...
Thawing Russia-Turkey relations

Thawing Russia-Turkey relations

(VOVworld) – On June 27 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent an apology to Russian officials 6 months after the Turkish army shot down a Russian plane near the Turkey-Syria border....
Vietnam’s economy reduces dependence on ODA

Vietnam’s economy reduces dependence on ODA

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has successfully attracted and effectively used official development assistance (ODA) capital resources. From a poor country, Vietnam has become a middle-income country. But the achievement also presents...