Myanmar-US relationship turns a page

Myanmar-US relationship turns a page

(VOVworld) – The US removed economic sanctions that have been imposed on Myanmar for 2 decades. This is a milestone in the normalization of relations between the two countries
 The rustic pottery art of Hương Canh

The rustic pottery art of Hương Canh

(VOVworld) – For centuries, the Vietnamese people have had a folk saying: “Móng Cái porcelain, Hương Canh jars”, to compliment two of the best-quality terracotta brands in the northern region. Ceramic products...
Russia makes new record on oil output

Russia makes new record on oil output

(VOVworld) – Russian oil output jumped by almost 4 percent in September from the previous month to over 11 million barrels per day to make a new post-Soviet record in...
Vietnam tries to combat human trafficking

Vietnam tries to combat human trafficking

(VOVworld) – Human trafficking is a crime and a grave violation of human rights. Vietnam has been working closely with the international community to escalate the fight against human trafficking and...
US, Cuba continue to normalize relations

US, Cuba continue to normalize relations

(VOVworld) – President Barack Obama on September 27 nominated Jeffrey DeLaurentis, top official at the US Embassy in Havana since relations were restored in late 2014, to be the first US ambassador...
OPEC agrees on oil output cut

OPEC agrees on oil output cut

(VOVworld) - The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has agreed on an oil output cut, because oil prices are at the lowest level in decades
Vietnam’s prestige after 39 years in the UN

Vietnam’s prestige after 39 years in the UN

(VOVworld)- 39 years ago, on September 20, 1977, Vietnam became a UN member. This opened a new chapter for Vietnam’s foreign policy of multi-lateralization and diversification. Over the past 4 decades...
Hang Trong folk paintings

Hang Trong folk paintings

(VOVworld) – Hang Trong folk paintings first appeared 400 years ago as religious and Lunar New Year hanging pictures. In the early 20th century, they covered more topics such as social practices and the...
 Fish Spring Roll

Fish Spring Roll

(VOVworld) - The fish spring roll is a little bit different from traditional spring rolls using pork, shrimp or sea-crab as main ingredients, so, it would be a very good idea to diversify your menu. The dish is a...
Hanoi, Beijing promote cooperation

Hanoi, Beijing promote cooperation

(VOVworld) – Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung attended a working session with Beijing Mayor Wang Anshun on Tuesday during a working visit to China with Prime...