Britain’s Tea Culture

Britain’s Tea Culture

(VOVworld) - The British are known for their habits of drinking tea. According to the Tea and Infusions Organisation, the British consume 60 billion cups per year. That’s more than 900 cups a year...
2016: Brexit changes the EU

2016: Brexit changes the EU

(VOVworld) – Britain’s exit from the EU, or Brexit, shocked the world in 2016. It has led to major changes in Britain’s politics and long-lasting socio-economic consequences....
Christmas welcomed around the world

Christmas welcomed around the world

(VOVworld) – Christmas has been warmly welcomed around the globe. In Bethlehem, Christians and tourists flocked to Manger Square near the Church of the Nativity for Christmas Eve
Bonfire Night traditions in Britain

Bonfire Night traditions in Britain

(VOVworld) – November 5th is the day when Britons everywhere celebrate Bonfire Night or The Guy Fawkes Night. The event is accompanied by firework displays, the lighting of bonfires and the ceremonial burning...
Brexit delay in the UK

Brexit delay in the UK

(VOVworld)- Despite the clear result of the referendum on Brexit on June 23, British politicians and public are not yet ready to leave the EU. The UK is experiencing one...
UK in political crisis after Brexit referendum

UK in political crisis after Brexit referendum

(VOVworld)- After the UK voted to leave the EU in a referendum, its political arena has become more divided with parties struggling to increase their influence and EU leaders urging the...
Domino effect of Brexit

Domino effect of Brexit

(VOVworld) – After the UK voted to leave the EU, some EU member countries expressed their intent to break with the organization. EU leaders have called for efforts to avoid a...
World leaders’ opinions on Brexit

World leaders’ opinions on Brexit

(VOVworld) – After the UK voted to leave the EU or Brexit, US President Barack Obama said he respects the UK people’s decision and that both the UK and EU...
UK voters' final choice

UK voters' final choice

(VOVworld)- UK voters have chosen to leave the European Union in a historic referendum on Thursday with a narrow win for pro-Brexit campaigners. Regional and global financial markets have seen...
Brexit referendum begins

Brexit referendum begins

(VOVworld) – Britons go to the polls on Thursday in an historic referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union or leave. An estimated 46.5 million...
British MPs pay tribute to MP Jo Cox

British MPs pay tribute to MP Jo Cox

(VOVworld) – British MPs and peers paid tribute to Labour MP Jo Cox, who was murdered in West Yorkshire on Thursday. Mrs. Cox had consistently fought for the rights of immigrants...
Britain before Brexit referendum

Britain before Brexit referendum

(VOVworld) – In a referendum on June 23 British voters will decide if the UK will stay in or leave the EU. Recent public polls show that Brexit supporters slightly outnumber opponents...
EC warns Brexit’s consequences

EC warns Brexit’s consequences

(VOVworld) - A British exit from the EU will have unforeseeable consequences for European cooperation, European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker warned Sunday