World tourism grows

World tourism grows

(VOVworld) – Despite global challenges, international travel grows 4% with 1.2 billion tourist arrivals in 2016. This is an encouraging figure for the economic growth of countries
China lowers growth target for 2017

China lowers growth target for 2017

(VOVworld) – The Chinese government has proposed a lower economic growth target for this year as part of its reform efforts. The Chinese leaders say the target is realistic about what...
 Vietnam’s economic prospects in 2017

Vietnam’s economic prospects in 2017

(VOVworld)-Vietnam gained some key economic achievements in 2016, the first year of the new, righteous government to serve the people. It promulgated a series of measures to improve the local investment and business environment...
Positive economic prospects for 2017

Positive economic prospects for 2017

(VOVworld) - Vietnam aims to achieve a GDP growth rate of 6.7% with an inflation rate below 4% this year. Vietnam is rated as a country with political and macroeconomic stability,...
Spring Press Review

Spring Press Review

(VOVworld) –Vietnamese newspapers’ colorful New Year edition covers the jubilant celebrations throughout Vietnam and overseas, leaders’ New Year messages, national traditions, and Vietnam’s socio-economic performance
Building a righteous, enabling government in 2017

Building a righteous, enabling government in 2017

(VOVworld)- In 2017, the Vietnamese government continues to promote start-ups and building a righteous, enabling government towards the motto “Strengthening disciplines, upholding responsibility, promoting innovation, and ensuring rapid, sustainable...
EU Parliament picks new president

EU Parliament picks new president

(VOVworld) – Italian Senator Antonio Tajani won 351 out of 633 votes in the final round of voting in Strasbourg, France, to become president of the European Parliament