G20 finance meeting opens in Mexico

G20 finance meeting opens in Mexico

(VOVWorld)- G20 finance ministers, senior officials and central bank heads are gathering in Mexico to seek measures to sustainably increase the global ecnomic growth while discussing solutions to the Eurozone...
February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012

In its first month of operation, our website at www.vovworld.vn has received a lot of visitors, who are mostly shortwave listeners with constructive feedback
U.S. softens stance on arms for Syria rebels

U.S. softens stance on arms for Syria rebels

VOVworld)—The Obama administration opened the door slightly Tuesday to international military assistance for Syria's rebels, with officials saying new tactics may have to be explored if President Bashar...
Eurozone approves a second bailout for Greece

Eurozone approves a second bailout for Greece

(VOVworld) – Eurozone finance ministers have agreed a second bailout for Greece to help the country slash its debt to 120.5 percent of gross domestic product. Chairman of the eurozone...
Green growth – Opportunities for Vietnam

Green growth – Opportunities for Vietnam

(VOVworld) The Prime Minister has asked ministries and relevant agencies to contribute additional opinions to complete by June a green growth strategy framework until 2020, with a vision to 2050. Consequently,...
Donors urge Greece to accept bailout requirements

Donors urge Greece to accept bailout requirements

(VOVworld) The negotiation between Greece and representatives of the international donors – the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund - hit an impasse
Implications of EU rating downgrades

Implications of EU rating downgrades

Standard and Poor’s downgraded the credit ratings of nine euro-zone countries last week, making big news on a Black Friday the 13th. The rating downgrade hammers the...
Wednesday January 4, 2012

Wednesday January 4, 2012

New Year’s greeting cards have been pouring into our office this week. Listeners’ sincere wishes and beautiful postcards are making our office more colorful and joyful in these gloomy winter...
Review of one year of inflation control

Review of one year of inflation control

Controlling inflation was the main task of the Vietnamese government in 2011. Despite 18.5% inflation this year, well above the set target of 7%, signs of recovery during...
Laying a foundation for sustainable growth

Laying a foundation for sustainable growth

The Vietnam Business Forum, an annual event on the sidelines of the Consultative Group meeting of donors, opened in Hanoi on Friday. This year the meeting focuses on measures to restructure...