Egypt’s crisis and its consequences

Egypt’s crisis and its consequences

(VOVworld) – The political crisis in Egypt has worsened over the last few days as a consequence of deepening factional conflicts. The situation threatens Egypt’s future and the stability in...
Egypt government determined to end violence

Egypt government determined to end violence

Egypt’s interim government on Sunday made several moves, reflecting its determination to end violence and restore social order to pave the way for a successful power transition in Egypt
Egypt falls into another unrest

Egypt falls into another unrest

(VOVworld)- 3 days after the 1st anniversary of his inauguration, President Mohamad Morsi, the first civil President in Egypt, was overthrown by the army. This surprising move will likely lead...
Last UN observers leave Syria

Last UN observers leave Syria

Some of the last UN military observers in Syria left Damascus on Tuesday. All 300 UN observers in Syria, sent to monitor a ceasefire between the Syrian army and opposition forces...
Social media help raise public awareness of ASEAN

Social media help raise public awareness of ASEAN

(VOVworld) - The 11th Conference of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information, AMRI-11, opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia yesterday, under the theme "Media: Connecting Peoples and Bridging Cultures towards One ASEAN...
Vietnam attends SOMRI 11 in Kuala Lumpur

Vietnam attends SOMRI 11 in Kuala Lumpur

(VOVworld) - Vietnam joined other 9 ASEAN member countries at the 11th Senior Officials Meeting Responsible for Information (SOMRI 11) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Monday and Tuesday. Participants reviewed