TPP: Obama is given fast track trade authority

TPP: Obama is given fast track trade authority

(VOVworld) - In a move to push the finalization of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the US House Committee on Ways and Means on Thursday passed the bill on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)...
Obama asks US Congress to authorise war against IS

Obama asks US Congress to authorise war against IS

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday US President Barack Obama sent Congress his long-awaited formal request to authorise military force against the Islamic State, calling the IS a threat to the people and stability of...
UN Security Council authorizes Syria aid convoys

UN Security Council authorizes Syria aid convoys

(VOVworld) - The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2165 on Monday authorizing humanitarian convoys to assist more than one million Syrian civilians in rebel-held areas. The council unanimously approved the measure,...