2016: Brexit changes the EU

2016: Brexit changes the EU

(VOVworld) – Britain’s exit from the EU, or Brexit, shocked the world in 2016. It has led to major changes in Britain’s politics and long-lasting socio-economic consequences....
Christmas welcomed around the world

Christmas welcomed around the world

(VOVworld) – Christmas has been warmly welcomed around the globe. In Bethlehem, Christians and tourists flocked to Manger Square near the Church of the Nativity for Christmas Eve
President’s 2016 amnesty decision announced

President’s 2016 amnesty decision announced

(VOVworld) - The President’s 2016 amnesty decision were announced on Tuesday in prisons nationwide for offenders who are currently serving prison terms and convicts whose sentences have been postponed or...
Bonfire Night traditions in Britain

Bonfire Night traditions in Britain

(VOVworld) – November 5th is the day when Britons everywhere celebrate Bonfire Night or The Guy Fawkes Night. The event is accompanied by firework displays, the lighting of bonfires and the ceremonial burning...
Hanoi’s attractions for tourists

Hanoi’s attractions for tourists

(VOVworld) – Hanoi has been honored by prestigious travel magazines and organizations as one of world’s top destinations. It attracts tourists for its beautiful landscapes, delicious cuisine, and hospitable people
Ensuring human rights in re-education of offenders

Ensuring human rights in re-education of offenders

(VOVworld) – Re-educating convicted felons is a special education activity to help people in prison improve their awareness, attitude, and behavior in preparation for re-integrating into the community. Vietnam supports humane...
K’ho costumes

K’ho costumes

(VOVworld) – Like many other ethnic groups in the Central Highlands, the K’ho have a tradition of weaving and making clothes for themselves. To Tuan introduces the costumes of the...
Indigo fabric – the beauty of Nung costumes

Indigo fabric – the beauty of Nung costumes

(VOVworld) – Nung women teach their little girls to grow cotton trees, twine yarn, weave fabric, and embroider. In the Nung community, girls, who don’t know how to weave fabric and...
Hanoi Emotion Tour

Hanoi Emotion Tour

(VOVworld) – Hanoi Emotion Tour made its debut in June, taking visitors from the Central and Southern regions to Hanoi. The tour helps to promote the traditional cultural and historic values...
Brexit delay in the UK

Brexit delay in the UK

(VOVworld)- Despite the clear result of the referendum on Brexit on June 23, British politicians and public are not yet ready to leave the EU. The UK is experiencing one...