(VOVworld) - Have you ever wondered how things were created or why things happen? Or have you ever tried creating something yourself? These questions inspired the formation of “Restless curiosity”, a...
Victory over fascism honored

Victory over fascism honored

(VOVworld) – May 9th marks 71 years of the victory of allied forces against German fascists. Activities are being held in many countries to celebrate the victory of the Soviet Union and...
New cooperative models boost agricultural development

New cooperative models boost agricultural development

(VOVworld) – As Vietnam shifts to mass production, cooperatives are asked to adapt to new market mechanisms and international economic integration to help boost agricultural production. VOV’s Thi Hoa reports…
“Adventures of a cricket” dramatized

“Adventures of a cricket” dramatized

(VOVworld)- Over the past 70 years, the character Cricket in the “Adventures of a Cricket” by To Hoai has become a close friend to children in Vietnam and elsewhere in the...
MH17 plane shot down by Ukraine missile

MH17 plane shot down by Ukraine missile

(VOVworld) – A Russian missile maker has hinted that the Ukrainian government was involved in the downing of Malaysian Flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine last year
Libyan airlines banned from Europe’s airspace

Libyan airlines banned from Europe’s airspace

(VOVworld) – The European Union announced Thursday that Libyan airlines are no longer permitted to operate in European airspace due to safety concerns related to the on-going conflict between...
251 victims of MH17 Ukraine crash identified

251 victims of MH17 Ukraine crash identified

(VOVworld)-Forensic experts have identified 251 of the 298 passengers and crew killed on downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. Dutch authorities reported that the searching for remaining bodies of MH17...
Unicorn head making booms ahead of full-moon festival

Unicorn head making booms ahead of full-moon festival

(VOVworld) - As the Mid-Autumn Festival is drawing near, craft villages specializing in making unicorn heads in Hue city are busier than usual, with bulk consignments of products delivered to local and neighboring...
Political intentions behind the MH17 tragedy

Political intentions behind the MH17 tragedy

(VOVworld) – The crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has made the Ukrainian crisis more critical. A missile shooting down the passenger plane, killing 298 people of many nationalities has...
Wildlife resources come under discussion

Wildlife resources come under discussion

(VOVworld) - Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources were high on agenda of a workshop held in Hanoi on Tuesday by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Amazing Vietnamese forests

Amazing Vietnamese forests

(VOVworld) - Over 100 photos capturing fantastic images in forests, national parks and reserves across Vietnam are being displayed at the Youth Cultural House, No.4 Pham Ngoc Thach, Ho Chi...
Tet and narcissus

Tet and narcissus

(VOVworld) - When spring comes, in addition to pink peaches and yellow apricots, charming narcissuses add more color to the spring picture and excite the Tet atmosphere. The elegance, nobility and light...