Hanoi forum empowers girls

Hanoi forum empowers girls

(VOVWORLD) - One hundred girls will gather in Hanoi for a dialogue with leaders of the National Assembly, Government, and State agencies from Friday to Sunday. Entitled “Promoting rights of girls for change and...
UN to confirm its role in new global context

UN to confirm its role in new global context

(VOVWORLD) - The UN General Assembly debate currently taking place in New York draws 81 Heads of State, 51 government leaders and 47 ministers. The UN goal is to bring people closer...
45 years of Vietnam-Japan ties

45 years of Vietnam-Japan ties

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and Japan will celebrate 45 years of diplomatic ties on Friday. In those 45 years, the two countries have become important partners. Since they upgraded their relationship to extensive strategic partnership...
Vietnam, France enhances cooperation in environment

Vietnam, France enhances cooperation in environment

(VOVWORLD) -Vice President and Secretary General of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Hau A Lenh says the VFF values working with the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) and sharing experience...